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Família: Guilherme I + Stephanie von Lothringen

De Rodovid PT



Guilherme I [Borgonha-Ivrea] * 1020 † 12 Novembro 1087

Stephanie von Lothringen [Lothringen] * 1035 e † > 1088


Guilherme I + Stephanie von Lothringen

Clementia de Bourgogne [Burgund-Ivrea]

Gui de Bourgogne (Calixte II) [Bourgogne-Ivrée] * 1050 ? † 12 Dezembro 1124

Guilherme I

Sybille van Bourgondie [Bourgondië-Ivrea] * 1065 † 1103

Berthe de Bourgogne [Bourgogne-Ivrée] † 1098


1050 ? Casamento:


They had 13 children, including the future Pope Callistus II and St. Otavianus.

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