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Gitton Mozarabi (A Vandal of Sharshal) * 950 ?

De Rodovid PT

Clã ao nascer Churchill
Sexo masculino
Nome completo
ao nascer
Gitton Mozarabi
Sobrenome(s) adicionais do casamento A Vandal of Sharshal
Apelido(s) e outro(s) nome(s) Gilitani


950 ? Nascimento: Jajl (Shahcil), Numidia, Cherchell/Cesarea, Punic Colony, North Africa

Nacionalidade: The Berbers of Jajl are carriers of the methemoglobinemia (met-H, Blue Blood) gene which manifested in the late Middle Ages among the Visigoths of Spain and the Languedocican nobility.

Religião: Christian

980 ? filho(a): Leon, Gitton (Giles) Sharshal (de Leon) [Churchill] * 980 ?


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Origin of the Surname Churchill:

The Phoenicians of Carthage settled at Jol (Cherchell, Algeria) in the 4th century BC. The town became a part of the kingdom of Numidia under Jugurtha ? (Of Numidia) (Massyli, * -160 † -104), who died in 104 BC. The town was ruled later by the Gaelic "Gittonic" Berber Kings Bocchus I and Bocchus II. The last Numidian king Juba II and his wife, the Greek Ptolemaic princess Cleopatra Selene II, were forced to flee in a civil uprising between 26 BC-20 BC. Caesar Augustus intervened in the situation and divided the Numidian Kingdom in two (Africa Nova and Mauretania). Iol was renamed Caesaria or Caesarea (Capital of Mauretania) was in honor of the emperor. The town was the birthplace to Emperor Macrinus, Priscian, and Saint Marciana (sister of Ambrosius).

In the 5th century, the Vandals burnt the town, but it was recaptured under the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, restored, and returned to its previous level of importance. By the time the Arabs conquered Algeria in the 8th century, the name of the town had undergone a gradual dialectical shift and had evolved from Caesaria into Sharshal. Many of the Christian inhabitants migrated from Sharshal north into Spain and southern France during the period between 600-900 CE. Cherchell is the French spelling of the contemporary Arabic/Berber name of the town.

Unique Genetic Markers

In modern times congenital methemoglobinemia has been documented in the lineages of Lurgan (Ireland); Ligon, Fugate and Muston (USA); Musteen, Mustain (Finland); and remains strong among Tuareg (tribal Berbers of Algeria). It is unknown at this time whether the gene remains present in the modern descendants of Roger Churchill (of Catherston) (Churchill, * 1522) in England.

It is suspected that this family was descended from Iampsas (Lacumazus) (Massyli, ?)


  1. Cherchell de Stéphane Gsell et l’extraordinaire conférence de René Rousseau devant la Société de géographie d’Alger en 1928. -
  2. Le lien mitochondrial entre les Samis et les Berbères (Médecine/sciences : m/s revue internationale dans le domaine de la recherche biologique, médicale et en santé):ISSN (édition électronique) : 1958-5381 -

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== 1 ==
Gitton Mozarabi (A Vandal of Sharshal)
Nascimento: 950 ?, Jajl (Shahcil), Numidia, Cherchell/Cesarea, Punic Colony, North Africa
Nacionalidade: The Berbers of Jajl are carriers of the methemoglobinemia (met-H, Blue Blood) gene which manifested in the late Middle Ages among the Visigoths of Spain and the Languedocican nobility.
Religião: Christian
== 1 ==
Gitton (Giles) Sharshal (de Leon)
Nascimento: 980 ?, Leon
Título: 1055 ?, Lord Montalban
Wandril Sharshal (de Leon)
Nascimento: 1021
Falecimento: 1067

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